2017/18 Tyke Program Changes, News (Hagersville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 07, 2017 | gbacher | 2708 views
2017/18 Tyke Program Changes
H.M.H.A. is making a number of changes in order to remain compliant with the Hockey Canada/OMHA mandate in regards to Initiation players playing half ice. As a result of this mandate, H.M.H.A. has purchased dividers to split the ice into two playing surfaces and the smaller nets required to support half ice play.

There has been a lot of work happening with other centres in an effort to more closely align our Tyke programs to ensure a level playing field when playing against other teams.  These changes will affect IP, Tyke & Novice.

The OMHA Age Reference Chart is as follows and we will be following these age ranges.  7 year olds registered for Novice must be trying out for Novice Rep, otherwise they will automatically be moved down to Tyke.  7 year olds who try out for and are cut from Novice Rep will be moved back to Tyke but may be moved to Novice LL depending on numbers and skill.

More information can be found at:

H.M.H.A.:2017/2018 Tyke Info

2017/18 OMHA Tyke Changes Article

Hockey Canada

