Cost $100/player - Payment options are on the Registrations Form
- 4 Teams per Group
- Groups will be divided up by skills/divisions
- IP, Novice, Atom, Peewee, Bantam & Midget players
- Half ice with Divider Boards
- Limited spots - 10 kids per team - 9 + Goalie
- Full Payment, or arrangements required at registration to confirm child's spot.
- Once Age Group, Teams are full, we will not accept registrations for those Birth Years.
If you wish to go on a waitlist, please email
[email protected]Registration Form
Starts Sat and/or Sun - April 11th - June 14th
Times for games - 9am-12pm on Saturday and/or 9am-1pm on Sunday
Groups will be decided shortly based on Registrations
Information on your players Group/Team/Schedules will come out, once Groups fill up, and close based on Registration.
Players will need there own full CSA approved equipment, including mouth guards, stick, socks - Every players will get a StixnPix 3 on 3 Jersey of their Teams colour on the 1st Day of there schedule check-in.
We do have Goalie Equipment for the younger groups for each Team, so if your child is interested in playing goalie (rotating) please select on registrations form, and in comments if you need equipment!
Locations - Simcoe Rec Centre & Waterford Tricenturena
For any questions please email - [email protected]
Please contact Wayne King - [email protected] - if your interested in being a Lead Volunteer to help organize a particular Group for our program. Thank-you!
Thank-you for your continued interest in our programming, and we look forward to a Fun and Rewarding Spring Season.