HMHA Coaches Application (Hagersville Minor Hockey)

HMHA Coaches Application

Short Answers

Please provide an answer for each of the folling questions

I authorize Hagersville Minor Hockey Association to collect personal information appropriate to the position applied for to verify the character references I have provided


Please provide 2 current references, one coaching and one non coaching (If you have not previously coached provide 2 non coaching references)

                                                                  Code Of Conduct

1. I will be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other interests and obligations.

2. I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials and opponents.

3. I will ensure that all players get equal instruction and support.

4. I will not ridicule or yell at my players for making mistakes or performing poorly. I will remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.

5. I will take reasonable steps to ensure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the player’s ages and abilities.

6. I will remember that participants need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good example.

7. I will respect all participants, striving to be a competent (Coach, Trainer, etc). I recognize that I am in a position of trust and power, and I will do nothing to take advantage of or abuse it.

8. I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my Coaching skills.

9. I will work in cooperation with officials for the benefit of the game and refrain from public criticism of them or of other Coaches. I will forward my concerns through the proper procedures.

10. I will communicate with my players and with their parents, regularly throughout the season, so that everyone is clear about the rules and expectations, and so that we have a shared goal for the season.

11. I will emphasize the importance of the Players’ and Parents’ Codes, and hold my team members and their parents accountable for compliance.

12. I understand and accept that violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including revoking of
membership and all rights associated with membership