ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS "ROWAN'S LAW", News (Hagersville Minor Hockey)

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Aug 22, 2019 | Lloyd Williams | 1606 views
In the very near future you should receive an email with links to review information about Rowan's Law from HMHA Executive Member Lynda Burt.  Rowan's Law has been passed by the Ontario Government with support and Assistance from Hockey Canada to increase awareness about concussion safety and is supported by the Ontario Hockey Federation. 

There are presentations that will be sent via email and available below for your review.  Our volunteers care about the safety of your children and will follow the requirements of Rowan's in the best interest of the kids.  There is a form that MUST be completed and submitted to HMHA to ensure everyone has reviewed and understands this Law.  It will be difficult to ensure that all of our families understand and acknowledge this Law so we will be very firm on the requirement for submission, on the first night that your child is on the ice there will be acknowledgement forms available to all families.  If you have already reviewed the information then you may complete and return the form immediately, alternatively you may take the form home and review the documentation online.  If the form has been completed and returned to Lynda Burt electronically then please see an executive member on arrival your first scheduled ice time to ensure it was properly received and documented.

The form MUST be completed and returned before your child will be permitted to return the ice, there will be  NO exceptions to this.  If you are trying out for a Rep team then please ensure you are prepared so your children do not miss a tryout.

There will be executive members available during tryouts and for the first few Local League practices to collect the forms and confirm compliance for all players.

On behalf of all HMHA Executive Members and Bench staff thank you for your cooperation and we hope that every child has a fun and injury free season.

President HMHA 

Lloyd Williams
