ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET, News (Hagersville Minor Hockey)

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Apr 06, 2020 | Lloyd Williams | 1867 views
Hello HMHA families, I am sure many of you are wondering if/when we will be hosting an awards banquet and our Annual General Meeting

Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic ALL Hockey operations are suspended which includes meetings or gatherings of any type so our Awards Banquest is suspended until further notice.  The OMHA will advise us when we may resume hockey operations but until we receive direction we will not announce or distribute awards.  If this is extended beyond early May, and I suspect it will be, then we may have a virtual meeting for our AGM in May or June and the awards presentation will be arranged following the start of next season.  Our executive members will determine award winners via email but we will not be able to order trophies or gather ours from the arena until social distancing is lifted and public facilities reopen.

If you have any questions/concerns then please feel free to contact me by email [email protected] at your convenience and I will gladly answer questions or assist in any way that I can.

On behalf of our executive members I wish you all well and hope you and your extended families are safe and healthy.
