Jul 03, 2023 | Dale Held | 584 views
Thinking About Volunteering? Need a Police Check?
If you are thinking of volunteering you will need a valid police check, no more than 2 years old as of Sept 1st. It is best to apply early and beat the rush.
If you planning to volunteer with HMHA this season, please follow the steps below to submit for a police check.
All rostered staff are required to have a police check submitted and dated no earlier than Sept 1 2021.
There is no charge to have this completed.
You require a letter from HMHA before applying, please select the link below to access the letter from HMHA. Please be sure to add your name, date and position (Team Volunteer) to the form before submitting online to the OPP.
Click here to download the HMHA letter
Once you have the letter access the OPP page OPP.CA/RECORDCHECKS and follow the simple steps to request your police check.