Mar 23, 2015 | Shannon jackson | 1053 views
The Hawks Move On to Southern County Final
The Hawks stepped on the ice against the Delhi Rockets in the Southern County B Division semi finals. If the season history was any indication, the game would be a close battle to the end. The puck dropped and the battle began, both teams dug their heels in, ending the first period with no score.
The second period began and 30 seconds in Chase Bacher assisted by Troy Clarkson landed the puck in the net giving Hagersville the first point on the board and the lead. They may have gotten the first goal but Delhi was not going to sit by and watch, with three minutes left in the second, Delhi scored ending the period in a 1-1 tie.
The third period had everyone on the edge of their seats. The Hawks made many good plays and had many chance on the net but we're unable to break through. Delhi kept the team on their toes, and the defensive team working hard. With a minute left on the board Jacob Laforme, assisted by Tyler DeMille and Nathaneal Ellison, scored the tie breaking goal. Delhi pulled the goalie giving them a 6 on 5 advantage, and with 33 seconds left the Hawks were awarded a penalty giving Delhi a 6 on 4 advantage. The Hawks put their noses to the grind and held off Delhi. and as the buzzer sounded the crowd cheered as the team gathered for a celebratory huddle.
The Hawks will be playing in the Sourthern County B Division Final on Saturday.
A team that plays together wins together. Go Hawks Go!!