Mar 28, 2015 | shannon jackson | 1949 views
Atom Rep B Division Southern County Champs
As I have been saying, a team that plays together wins together and today was a true testament to that! The Hagersville Hawks Atom Reps put every last bit of their hearts and souls into today's Championship game, and in the end it lead them to a 10-2 win against the Aylmer Flames.
The first period started with a single handed goal by Chase Bacher not even one minute into the game, and the crowd roared! Aylmer was not going to settle for that and they came back with a goal two minutes later. Three minutes later, Cole Haviland landed a single handed goal between the pipes giving the Hawks the lead that they held onto to end the first period.
The secondsperiod started off strong and Chase Bacher, assisted by Troy Clarkson, nailed it again, sending the rubber past the goalie and into the net. This lit the Flames fire and they came back a minute later getting one in. Seeing this really burned the team and Cole Haviland headed down the ice for another single handed goal. Then Tyler Matthews decided it was his turn, he made his way to the net, the puck made its way to the lace, for a single handed goal and a period ending score of 5-2 for the Hawks.
The third period began with a goal by Cole Haviland, assisted by Chase Bacher, can you say Hat Trick Cole? Less than a minute later Nate Veldstra, assisted by Cole Haviland, worked his magic and the puck danced by the goalie right into the net. The Hawks were on a roll in more ways than one, Chase can you say Hat Trick? Well I hope you can because with the assistance of Jacob Laforme that is what you got, yes a third goal for Chase as well. With Five minutes left, Dylan King, assisted by Wesley Patrick and Tyler Matthews, shot one in. With one minute left Chase Bacher assisted by Nathaneal Ellison got the last goal of the game. The Hawks took the Championship with a 10-2 win over the Flames.
Congratulations to The Hagersville Atom Reps: 31 - Keegan Jackson
3 - Troy Clarkson "A"
4 - Jacob Laforme
5 - Ethan Fess
6 - Wesley Patrick
7 - Nethaneal Ellison
8 - Dylan King
9 - Chase Bacher
10 - Tyler Demille "A"
11 - Cole Haviland
12 - Tyler Matthews
14 - Nate Veldstra "A"
15 - Katie Meyer
17 - Ethan Held
Now, all of this would not have been possible without the dedication of the coaching staff. These men devoted their time, sweat and tears with this team all year. They made it a learning experience, a fun experience but most of all they made them a team. The kids have respect for them and they have respect for the kids, that is why they worked so well together as a team. Todd Demille, Dan Reicheld, Dan Veldstra, and Dave Jackson, thank you all!
Murray Johnson, what more can I say. We were blessed with the worlds best manager. You were the glue that held the team together. Thank you for working so hard for the team, and being our number one fan, we couldn't have done it without you!
Last but not least the families. To each and every one of you, thank you for making this such a great year for the team. Your support, dedication, and guidance is an important piece to the success of a team, and these children are very lucky to have you.
Remember, a team that plays together wins together!